
What is Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (N.A.D)?

NAD is a coenzyme found in all living cells. It plays a crucial role in cellular metabolism, especially in processes like energy production and DNA repair. NAD exists in two forms:

NAD+ (oxidised form) – Acts as a carrier for electrons in metabolic reactions. It is essential for converting nutrients into energy by facilitating reactions in cellular respiration, especially in the Krebs cycle and the electron transport chain.

NADH (reduced form) – This form donates electrons during various biochemical processes, particularly in ATP (energy) production.

NAD is also involved in the regulation of sirtuins, enzymes that play a role in aging, inflammation, and stress resistance. NAD+ has gained attention for its potential in anti-aging therapies and enhancing mitochondrial function.

What we test


NAD does not occur directly in food. However, the building blocks for NAD, which are vitamins and amino acids, can be found in various foods. These building blocks are then absorbed by the body and converted into NAD through metabolic processes.

This finger prick blood spot test measures:
Test instructions

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