Inflammation Check
$142 AUD
The link between low-grade inflammation and chronic disease is widely recognised. Research indicates that by following an anti-inflammatory diet you can help fight off inflammation.

While inflammation is often cast in a negative light, it’s actually essential in small amounts for immune-surveillance and host defense against invading microbes or chemicals.

However sometimes inflammation persists even when you're not threatened by a foreign invader. That's when inflammation can become your enemy. Many chronic diseases including cancer, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, depression, and Alzheimer's are thought to be rooted in low-grade inflammation that persists over time.

What we test
The inflammatory process plays an important role in the pathogenesis of many chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus type 2, and metabolic syndrome. CRP and interleukin-6 (IL-6) are widely tested inflammatory markers involved in the development of these diseases. Several studies indicate a relation between nutritional status and the levels CRP and IL-6, with the role of diet in reducing inflammation supported by numerous studies.
This blood test measures:
Test instructions
Download and print your pathology form from your i-screen dashboard.
Take your form to one of our affiliated collection centres to have your sample taken - no need for an appointment.
You do not need to fast for this blood test.
Ready. Set. Go!
for $142
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