Apolipoprotein (ApoB) Check
$69 AUD
The apo B/apo A1 ratio indicates the cholesterol balance between potentially atherogenic (bad) and anti-atherogenic (good) particles.

The APOB/A1 ratio is considered by some researchers and healthcare professionals as a more accurate indicator of cardiovascular risk compared to traditional cholesterol measurements, such as LDL cholesterol or total cholesterol. An elevated APOB/A1 ratio may suggest an imbalance between atherogenic (artery-clogging) and anti-atherogenic (artery-protective) lipoproteins, which could indicate an increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

By measuring the APOB/A1 ratio, healthcare professionals may gain additional insights into a person's cardiovascular risk profile, potentially helping in the assessment and management of cardiovascular disease.

What we test
Apolipoprotein Ratio
The apo B/apo A1 ratio indicates the cholesterol balance between potentially atherogenic (bad) and anti-atherogenic (good) particles.
Test instructions
Download and print your pathology form from your i-screen dashboard.
Take your form to one of our affiliated collection centres to have your sample taken - no need for an appointment.
Fast from all food and drink (other than water) for at least 8 hours, and no more than 12 hours prior to your test.
calendar-instructions instruction-kit
Results for this test available in 10-12 days and will be published in your online dashboard.
Ready. Set. Go!
for $69
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